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May 20, 2017 How To Become LightShine Lip Plumping Balm Distributor

How To Become LightShine Lip Plumping Balm Distributor

Become LightShine Lip Plumping Balm Distributor

If you are from America and Pacific region such as United States, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, French Polynesia, you may join this opportunity to become LightShine Lip Plumping Balm distributor yourself, or, you may also purchase LightShine Lip Plumping Balm online at your convenience.

Do you have lips that seem to have lost their plump before you turned 30? Well, though that just seems premature—or extremely unfair—if you ask us. You would probably think being shy of 30 is a little early for drying, thinning and deflated lips, but sadly, it’s not coincident, lets look at the extract from Byrdie:

To get to the heart of the problem, your lips begin to thin for the same reason your skin begins to sag with time: a natural decline in collagen. “Young lips are full because young skin contains plenty of collagen and naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid, which keeps your lips moist and plump from the inside out,” says Dr. Jessica Wu, a dermatologist and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at University of Southern California in Los Angeles. But there’s another surprising reason explanation: “Younger people have larger teeth, which help support the lips and keep them perky,” says Wu (more on that later).

Like pretty much everything in life, genetics play a part in determining the plumpness of your lips (i.e. whether or not you were born with Rosie Huntington Whiteley lips). “Lip size and shape are genetically determined, but all of us tend to  get thinner lips over time,” says Wu. “If your lips are naturally smaller, you may start to notice this in your late 20s and 30s. This is when collagen and hyaluronic acid production start to slow down.” But that’s not the whole story. Lifestyle factors can be to blame for what seems like “premature” lip thinning.

So after reading this, I feel I am totally lucky to have found this wonderful lip balm and decided to recommend it to all de Cor’s Beauty’s audience, you may really want to get one for yourself to decide if I have been exaggerating. 🙂

For everyone from other regions / countries, I could sponsor you the opportunity to become a distributor for LightShine Lip Plumping Balm, just leave me a message and I will be with you soonest!

Lots of love!!!

Extensive Read: Lip Plumping Balm