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September 7, 2016 Beauty Product Review: Falsies / False Eyelashes

Beauty Product Review: Falsies / False Eyelashes

Falsies Review

I wore my first ever pair of falsies on my pre-wedding photography session, that’s when I realized falsies could transform my single eyelids into double. Awesome, right? Right after I am done with my ROM and wedding receptions I was visiting Shu-Uemura to replenish my cleansing oil (they are still one of the best I have used all these years, I have tried Shiseido’s, Siebella’s and many more other cute brands, I was going to try Muji’s next, by the way.), Miss A, my favorite sales representative (she no longer works there, she’s still one of the prettiest creature I’ve seen in years and i am glad that she’s now in good hands) recommended me my first pair of self-bought falsies and then I was hooked ever since.

ShuUemura Navy Twill

The first pair of self-bought falsies of mine was Shu-uemura’s Navy Twill, it was RM55 back then and it’s RM65 now, I bought their eyelash adhesive (glue) too and I hadn’t change to any other brand all these years.

To put falsies on steadily and precisely definitely isn’t an easy task, but it is achievable – practice, practice and practice is the key to success.

But RM55 for a pair of falsies is considerably pricey, I think, so other than keeping a pair of Navy Twill from Shu-Uemura (I often reused them for 3 or 4 times), I also started to shop around places like Sasa and Shin‘s. I was totally excited when I realized Sasa sold something similar, and much cheaper – RM50 for 20 pairs.

Twenty pairs, ladies. I’ve bought it and never really get to use them all –  gave birth then busy with first kid then gave birth again and busy with two kids, the leftover are still pretty much in good shape until now.

So here it is, 20 pairs of these for RM49.90 few years ago.

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If I compared Sasa’s with Shu-uemura, the latter is actually softer and easier to put on (cause the base is more flexible) and the chances of getting red eyes is much smaller with Shu-uemura’s because Sasa’s has tougher base (the liner part) and it irritates the eyes when I blink my eyes sometimes. But overall I am okay with these and would only wear Navy Twill if I am attending formal events.

I have misplaced my falsies from Sasa’s (I was trying eyelashes extension for about 2 months) and I really couldn’t find it. I’ve visited to few Sasa outlets to try my luck but they’ve already discontinued it. The sales representative recommended a new falsies sets to me and I did brought them home, it’s RM49 for 10 pairs if I am not mistaken.

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First thought – very very soft hair, these new falsies won’t irritate the eyes at all, BUT, the base is too soft and too fine to my liking. Cause being soft means it can’t really push my eyelids up to create the temporary double eyelids; base being too fine means it will came off after awhile because since my eyelids are folded inwards by default, falsies with stronger base would push my eyelids out and up to create a temporary double eyelids, when this isn’t happening my eyelids would remain folded inwards, the glue on the soft base will then dissolves by tears or oil thus the falsies comes off after awhile. So if you are having inner double eyelids like me, I’d suggest you to get falsies with thicker and tougher base.

P/S The irony part is that, just when I’ve finally found and bought something similar from the internet to replace what have gone missing, suddenly  the missing eyelashes reappeared.

For eyebrows:

I use Bobbi Brown Eye Shadow Powder for eyebrows, I drew them with their Eye Definer Brush from Bobbi’s Essential Basic Brush Collection.


That’s all for now, I hope this honest review helps!