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ageLOC META (U.S.A.)

    Invoice from Nu Skin Official
Ship Directly from Nu Skin Warehouse


ITEM #01001929

Researches by Nu Skin found out anthocyanin appears in food helps support core metabolism, Cyanidin and Delphinidin are the most effective types to cellular protection and improve metabolism, while black currants, bilberries and black rice are rich in these 2 types. Therefore, ageLOC META extracted these foods with anthocyanin to bring along the best results in supporting metabolic health! ageLOC® Meta is perfect for today’ s hectic world because it helps counteract the effects of your modern lifestyle when combined with healthy eating, regular exercise, and better sleep.


ageLOC Meta launch on the 27th September 2022 in the United States market with following packages options:

  • ageLOC Meta
  • ageLOC Meta Single Subscription
  • ageLOC Meta 6 packs
  • ageLOC Meta & Biome Subscription

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