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August 2, 2017 What is ageLOC TR90 Weight Management System

What is ageLOC TR90 Weight Management System

About 5 months ago in February, I finally ended my five years of breastfeeding journey. I weaned my eldest when she was 2 years old, and I was pregnant with my second child. I resumed breastfeeding after my second child was born. I suffered severe heart burn throughout the entire second pregnancy and I put on a lot of weight during my second pregnancy. I was very easy on myself though I have never been the chubby type. In addition to that, my weight went back to normal after I started to breastfeed again for the second time. I returned to my pre-pregnancy weight after 6 months.

During the 2 years of breastfeeding, I lived a pretty normal life. I looked slim, had a flat tummy, and was even somewhat muscular; until recently. As my youngest child turned two, I gradually cut back on breastfeeding. On February ’17, I officially ended my breastfeeding journey.

Then… this happened – pictures taken in January ’17 vs June ’17. Photo shows how my son thought he was going to have a little brother / sister.

And this is how I looked – two days before I started the ageLOC TR90 Weight Management Program.

With careful dressing, NOBODY KNEW I HAVE A BIG BELLY! 😂😂😂

On 26 June, I begun my TR90 challenge alongside Marine Omega and Probio-CC. So for the first 15 days of TR90, this is what I ate in the morning – 1 sachet of JumpStart (mixed with 2 ounces of water), 4 pills of LifePak, 2 caps of CPlex, 2 caps of CTP, 2 softgells of Marine Omega, 1 cap of ProbioCC. Lots to swallow, but I got used to it after 3 days.

With TR90, I learned to scan my food intake – eating the right portion and being careful with what I consumed. I carried out my usual exercise routine – 1-minute of planking everyday, 30 minutes of cycling twice a week, and here’s the progress:

On the 9th Day of TR90:

I weighed the same, but my elbows were no longer touching my tummy when I drive. After taking photos on the 9th day, I went on a holiday for 8 days. I ate…

I ate everything with right portion, and this is my comparison collage on my 19th Day of TR90:

And this is on my 30th Day of TR90:

There were fairly significant changes to my body shape. Can’t spot the differences? I have got another one to show:

You’ll notice the differences by observing how the seat-belt was pushed to the side, or how my belly spilt out of my pants in my earlier days. A different arrangement of the photos:

And on the 34th day, I posed and took a picture to impress my friends on Facebook and instagram:

I also posted a photo of my daughter lifting her version of dumbbell (which were actually wheels from her brother’s toy truck). Which was a mistake… because it got more “likes” than mine *grin*.

That’s all for now, as I am still on TR90 at the moment; so to answer to the frequently asked question – “Does ageLOC TR90 really work?” – it works pretty well for me, but of course, I stick to the plan very strictly i.e. I eat moderately as per TR90 eating plan, and I think that’s the key to everything. Bottom line – ageLOC TR90 promotes the idea of building muscles to burn fat, if you are on TR90, don’t let yourself to have the chance to feel hungry, snack away and eat right! 🙂


I can’t be anymore grateful than this. In March, right after I stopped breastfeeding, my hormones changed so much and I been through so very much changes. Other than me putting close to 5kg of weight in 4 months (arms and legs aren’t affected, but the belly was a disaster), I also developed blemishes around my chin – only chin, other part of my face weren’t affected. I’ve tried using Epoch Blemish Gel and it helped a little but it never really go away. They even started to set in becoming scars.

With TR90, Marine Omega and Probio-CC, though I can’t be sure which component exactly that have balances out my hormones, today my chin is back to how it used to be. 🎉 Except for one dark spot left now, it’s smooth but it’s there, I am hoping this scar will dismiss soon enough.

P/S I might update this blog entry itself or I may write my subsequent updates as a new blog entry, whatever it is, I will be updating this blog so stay tuned and do check back!

Adios! xx

Extensive Read: TR90 System